Monday, February 28, 2011

Family Mealtime is Important to Children. Why? So?

Mealtime is more than just eating. It is an important time in the life of your child. The good news is that the number of families that eat together at least once a day has increased from 52% in 2003 to 73% in 2010 (Source: American Dietetic Association Foundation - Family Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey, 2003 and 2010). What are the benefits of family mealtime?

  • A special time for a family to talk and listen to each other. Pleasant sharing of food feeds each body, mind and soul
  • One way for a family to stay connected with a feeling of belonging.
  • A time to teach children about eating healthy. Studies show that people eat balanced meals when they eat with family. I assume families serve variety of food on their tables. Parents are the good role model. Children learn by watching what and how they eat.
  • A time for family team work. Encourage all family members to help in food preparation such as setting up table and cleaning up. Preschoolers who like to help are so benefited from setting up the table by arranging the eating utensils in one to one corresponding pattern.
However, it is best to eat around the table to accelerate ease of talking and sharing ideas with eye contact. Besides, turn off TV and no phone answering. Make the mealtime pleasant by keeping conversation easy, avoid  nagging, criticizing or complaining. Here are some suggestions on questions for easy but purposeful talking.
  • What was the most important thing happened to you today?
  • What did you eat at snack time (those who go to center or school)?
  • Who did you play with today; what did you play?
  • What shall we plan to do this weekend?
  • What should we eat tomorrow for supper?
  • What kinds of food do we need to eat to stay healthy?
  • Tell me about a story you read today? or even,
  • Start a funny story. E.g. "One upon a time there was a little girl who loved to jump." Have everyone add to continue the story.
In Reference to  Sharing Family Meals by Glenda Wentworth, December 2010 Newsletter

For those who are extremely 'busy', let's put effort to plan for a family mean with your children. Perhaps at least once a day when they are little. Life can be complicated as our children get older and tight up with school activities in the evenings and on weekends. Be wise to start this healthy habit early in their life.

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